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Section Summary & Quiz 1

In this lesson

  • reviewing what we covered in this section
  • completing a quiz

This section is designed to help you get ready for the following sections in which we learn individual Cantonese sounds. We started with an introduction to the course, the tips for learning Cantonese pronunciation, the reasons for learning a Romanization system, and our learning approach we use in this course. Then, we moved on to the basics about Cantonese pronunciation. We discussed Cantonese syllables and got an overview of Cantonese sounds.

Before ending this part, we have a short quiz for you to check whether you have learnt the materials we covered. Complete it and see how much you know about Cantonese pronunciation now!

Quiz 1

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Add oil!


True or False: Sounds are linked to alphabets the same in English and Romanized Cantonese so we can read Romanized Cantonese aloud like we are reading English aloud.

False. While some sounds are linked to letters similarly in English and Romanized Cantonese, many sounds are linked to letters differently.


True or False: We Romanize Cantonese speech syllable by syllable.



Listen to the word below. How many syllables are there?

jihduhnggwaihyùhngēi 5 syllables


What are the three components of a Cantonese syllable?

The three components of a Cantonese syllable are initials, finals and tones.


True or False: Some finals only have a consonant.

True. And a consonant that works as the final alone is called a syllablic consonant.


Initials refer to …

A. Beginning consonants
B. Vowels
C. Ending consonants
D. Syllabic consonants
E. Tones

A. Beginning consonants


Finals refer to …

A. Beginning consonants
B. Vowels
C. Ending consonants
D. Syllabic consonants
E. Tones

B. Vowels
C. Ending consonants
D. Syllabic consonants


In the word , f is the ___ and a is the ___.

In the word , f is the (initial) and a is the (final).


In the word māau, ___ is the initial and ___ is the final.

In the word māau, (m) is the initial and (aau) is the final.


Words like oi and aap don’t have an initial originally, but Cantonese speakers sometimes add an initial to them. Which initial do they usually add?


Congratulations! You have finished the first section of this Cantonese pronunciation course! In the next lesson, we will start to learn more about tones. See you in the lesson!